Michelle and Charlie have been together for 15 years and have an beautiful and unwavering love for one another. They decided to make it official on May 2nd of this year. Michelle had yearned for an outdoor wedding overlooking White Rock Lake, but the weather had a different idea in mind.
Just as Michelle finished getting ready at the home of her sister in law's house, a flash flood hit the area. We ran to the car to head out to the venue, but we all got completely soaked. We practically threw Michelle into the car, so she remained pretty much unscathed.
The wedding was moved indoors, but he couple had no problem navigating the dining tables where the guests sat.
Thunder and lighting rocked the building for a while, and we were thankful the lights stayed on, but just as quickly as the storm came in, it left again. We took the opportunity to run outside and get a few quick photos.
The party began, and everyone had a great time. Guests dined and drank the evening away, and the celebration went on to the wee hours.
They say rain on your wedding day is good luck. If that's the case, this couple has enough to last them a few lifetimes.
But they don't need it. They were already lucky in love.
Congratulations to you both!!!