Ashley and Bryan married at the Gaylord Texan on April 12, 2008. The affair was outragously lavish, and all the guests were blown away by every facet of this wedding. Ashley wore beautiful custom white cowboy boots under her beaded white gown.
The guys wore Texas Star cufflinks. Everything about this wedding was as big as Texas, and a homage to their beloved state.
Ashley and her mom

Bryan's brother helps him straighten his tie.

Due to the Texas theme, we did a different take on the girl's photo

That's one big hat!

Ashley's proud parents look on.

The rings and vows

The overjoyed couple having been officially named man and wife

The whole crew

The awesome cake was decorated with ferret bride and groom, and chocolate barbed wire. The whole thing was surrounded by antelers. (Cakes by Opulent Cakes in Colleyville)


The rings

A little cake smashing.

More dancing

And the funniest part of the evening. Overjoyed Ashley started to do cartwheels around the dance floor.

And again

Too warn out to dance, they sat on the floor giggling as a guest waves the custom "Ashley and Bryan Welborn" flag

Ashley, sporting a giant feather, gives Master of Ceremonies, Marcus Rollins, a big hug for the great job he did.

Ashley with a borrowed hat, dancing with her beautiful sister.