Jason is a super creative professional video producer/editor, who also has a wonderfully mischievious nature about him.
He met Stephanie, a charitable fundraser, and the two really hit it off. She's got the same wicked sense of humor. Both of them are laid back and fun.
Jason and Stephanie made a bet about something, and the winner's prize was a new awesome IPod. Stephanie wins the bet.
Jason flies Stephanie to Hawaii (that's a pretty cool prize right there too), and making good on his bet, gives Stephanie her brand new IPod.
The kicker?
Jason had made a short length animated film of the two of them, and at the end of the film, he purposed to Stephanie....it was all packed into the IPod. Stephanie watched the animated video, and happily accepted.
Looks like they both were winners!!!!!!
On June 7th, 2008, they made it official at a beatiful ceremony at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Dallas. They partied the evening away at the Tower Club at Thansgiving Tower.....all the while, the IPod purposal looped on a large screen plasma TV. Everyone had a blast, and the kids went crazy over the candy bar that Stephanie and Jason had provided.
Stephanie and Jason are amazing, and we are so happy to have been able to shoot for them. They have become wonderful friends. I'm pretty sure that they both make friends everywhere they go.