We met Craig and Elizabeth the day before their wedding! The couple, both in the information and technology field met by chance in Georgia, and hit it off. Craig, who collects classic BMW, and is a talented woodworker, and furniture crafter in his spare time, fell hard for the Texas girl who played Piano for her local church in Canton. Craig proposed on Feb 14th in a beautiful vinyard in Northern California, and Elizabeth happily said yes. The wedding was held at Elizabeth's Catholic church in Canton, with a beautiful reception that followed at the local Rock High Ranch. It was a perfect fall day. Elizabeth surprised Craig with a BMW logo groom's cake, surrounded by "sharks". (His favorite car). They both surprised the young ladies at the wedding by giving them their very own miniture bridal bouquets. And then they made their escape in Craig's beloved Turbo 7 Shark, and returned to Michigan. We'll miss them! Congratulations Craig and Elizabeth!