Stefanie is a treasure. She’s one of those amazing brides who knows what she wants out of life, and she’s not afraid to take it.
Dwayne, is much the same way. He’s a go-getter. Together….Watch out World!
Not to say they don’t have their “softy sides”. They do. Both of them. Stefanie is a school teacher, and to watch her around children is amazing. Dwayne has a natural and genuine love for almost everyone. And the biggest, sweetest smile you’ve ever seen.
Two great people.
They got married at the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, which is mind blowing in it’s beauty. You are instantly met with the aroma of sandalwood incense, and the magnificent murals.
As is custom in a Greek Orthodox Wedding, the bride and groom are crowned three times, and walk around the altar three times as well before they are officially married.
Beautiful chants and songs ring out through the cathedral.
Guests also enjoyed the grounds for the reception venue. The dessert menu featured every delicacy a person could ever want. Stefanie and Dwayne had a really cool idea for a guest book as well. They had guests sign bottles of wine, which they would later enjoy at various anniversaries.
Hurricane Ivan didn’t stop them during their big get away featuring streamers.
You’ll see more of the two of them soon, as I’m going to be doing some boudoir stuff for Stefanie, and some family picks for the two of them.
Congratulations Stefanie and Dwayne!!!!!!!!!!!!!